
Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy and Disgusted

So the Tide giveaway was supposed to be today, but they were having technological difficulties. And the thing that disgusted me was..... the "fans" of Tide. A lot of us patiently waited and refreshed the page every now and then.... checking up on the updates Tide was giving us.... but then there were immature and rude people posting hateful, negative comments, some cursing.... Here's my take on the issue. Tide is NOT obligated to give out free samples. The company chose to, which is great. And it's not their fault that there were problems. Technology isn't perfect, things happen. A lot of those comments upset me, and you just KNOW that a lot of these people only "liked" the page probably a few minutes before the contest only to get the sample and then immediately "unlike" it. I, for one, have and always will like tide. I was exited for this giveaway because my mother LOVES the stain release tablets and says they smell amazing. So I was going to get them for her. I'm still happy, because Tide is going to retry this whole thing, but this time with 150,000 samples. I just hope it's at night again, because I don't think my professors would understand the concept of me being late to class to get a sample of a product. :) Hehehe. Anyway, to sum it up, I think it's perfectly fine for Tide not to be able to do the giveaway. I just think rude people should keep their comments to themselves or not be on the page. I still love you, Tide!!!!
Anyway, I'm happy because a few minutes after Tide apologized and whatnot.... I found out that I won a contest. And at first I'm like, what the heck? I had completely forgotten that I entered a contest about six hours ago. And I was one of the lucky random people who won.
I'm pretty sure I got some other free items today as well, but I can't remember what they are. Oh well. I'll post about them and reviews etc. when I receive them in the mail.

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