
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Starting Off

Well, quite a few months ago I was watching Extreme Couponing on TLC and was just amazed at the amount of money people can save and the various ways you can use coupons that you never realized before. How sometimes store just might have to pay you to walk out with the products.
So now I'm intrigued and decided to use coupons more often. But the other main thing- I plan on getting free stuff. At first I thought I started today, but I realized that in reality I've been getting free things for a few months now, I've just forgotten about them.

Things I've gotten for free:
DVD I'm No Dummy
DVD The Day After Tomorrow
$25 dollar Amazon Gift card (for taking surveys.... about to get another one soon)

Things that I should be getting soon:
2 Suave Professional Hair products
1 make up product

And pretty sure I'll be getting a few more dvds within the next few months. I buy a lot of movies so it's nice getting free ones every once in awhile. And sometimes I basically get them free once I sell them at our garage sale. Take for instance an auction I was at recently.... bought over 40 dvds, all in new condition (some were still in the packaging). And I'm still sorting through them deciding which ones I want to keep. But the rest, if I manage to sell them for at least 2-3 dollars a piece I'll be making money off of them and the ones I decide to keep.

I also just got started in that whole website. So we'll see how that goes.

That's all for now.

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